A Lot of Talk

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Of course, this is my opinion, the name of the blog “Bob’s Opinion,” should more than indicate that it is my opinion, my studied opinion but still an opinion. It is where I am able to say what is on my mind, what I think and what I believe. It is an “op-ed” journalism post of opinion. Now, with that said, we need to get on with this post “A Lot of Talk” part two, being pro-active in stopping mass murders, (mass shootings, or any shootings), and make it possible to restore the second amendment rights of the citizens of our nation.
Every time there is a shooting the knee-jerk reaction of the left wing is to stage demonstrations and fake news journalism to attack the second amendment and the right to bare arms. More gun legislation, and gun seizure. All this before the mainstream media hacks are giving their impersonation of a forensic autopsy and a complete dissection of the incident, and the shooter. Meanwhile the mainstream media and liberal politicians are pimping the tragedy.
A lot of talk as far as any serious measures to stop this madness of terror and slaughter of our innocent children and young people. We need action, and not more milking and pimping such an evil tragedy. If the amount of money that is spent by the left-wing radical activists and put it to work in PREVENTION we might get something done to secure the safety of the people.
The things that the shooters have in common is that they have some degree of mental or personality dysfunction; in other words, they are crazy as a loon. Okay some degree of personality dysfunction that creates a sociopathic or psychotic behavior trait that is really quite volatile, and we don’t want a meltdown episode. That is when they become violent and plan and execute mass murder. We need to be able to stop them from killing people especially children and young people. Another common trait is also a common trait found in terrorism, absolutely no value of human life.
There has always been those who commit mass murder, but not in the rate of occurrence that there is now. There is motive and triggers that need to be addressed, but, first the individuals or individual must be identified, and their threat evaluated, as mental dysfunction, criminal, terrorist, or just radicalized beliefs. and still within due cause and due process. However, as President Trump pointed out if we start with due process first, it could be the process that takes away valuable time, time that no one knows will end, we must assume the fuse has been lit and no one knows how long it will burn before BANG!
Don’t for one-minute think that all mental cases are dumb, no they are some mental people that are brilliant, able and have no fear. Four prerequisites for a planned attack. And of course, with the people that we are dealing with one thing is really not totally in place and that is the fear factor. Most will pick a soft target, it is easy and poses no resistance. Why do you think the socialists want to take our guns away? There will be no resistance during a mass takeover.
Nonetheless, the first obstacle is to identify the potential shooter or shooters. I doubt if strange behavior would cause enough attention to get reported as it now stands and most citizens would fear a lawsuit, it is coupled with identifying possible intent along with behavior. The police have a probable cause detainment at the present, it however, is only good for 72-hours at a psychoanalysis ward in the hospital. It is used for sociopathic and psychotic episodes and is to provide the patient with a period to reduce the acute anxiety or psychotic episode or to reestablish medication schedules, or detox, then to provide behavior observation, diagnosis, and proper prescription medication reaction. There is simple not enough time in a 72-hour sociopathic or psychotic observation, let alone the other areas of diagnosis, observation and treatment.

With the presumption that we need to identify the mentally ill and get them treatment, will not to rain on anyone’s parade, but, any one that will commit mass murder has a sociopathic episode if not a severe psychotic event, or a delusional or terrorists. This must be understood before they murder someone, but identifying the potential killer and the threat the individual or group individuals pose, is where it may get tricky.
It could be tricky because of the liberal shadow government fine-tuned by the Obama administration. That if the suspected shooter is Muslim, Black, Hispanic, or under the age of 21, the policy of hands off has been applied, or so it may seem. And the banning of profiling as a means to help identify a suspect was truly a means to block law enforcement from effectively doing their job. I remember how the MSM played Obama’s comment of the legal Mexican family out to get an ice cream on a Sunday afternoon being stopped and questioned by police, as his attempt to justify his lawsuit against Arizona and to protect the innocent from police harassment – Phooey! In reality it was his way of allowing more illegal aliens in to vote Democrat. But with those he also granted free passage to the Mexican gangs, and drug dealers.
It could get tricky because of what has been just a lot of talk in the press and all of it is postmortem. After the finger-pointing is all over with and the liberal press has used up its last fake witness and goes silent until the next mass murder. It has become so bad that it has to be mass murder by a semiautomatic weapon before it gets press.
The time has long passed to start working on preventing the mass murderer from killing his or her first victim. Before I get into my opinion of how-to procedures, I must address a couple of things that are so wrong with America today. If the wrongs are not addressed and solved there is no chance of doing a proper job of prevention. Like crisis counseling, or drug counseling, the first thing that must happen is light must shine on the wrong, unless a patient accepts the problem(s) anything done is only a Band-Aid. Here today, the patient is the American people and until we can shine light on the problems and accept them we will never be able to protect the second amendment or protect the public against mass murderers. We need to address our culture and what it has become. It does not mean “going backwards” like Hillary and Pelosi claim. Restoring our values and integrity is the starting point of healing our splintered culture. Insisting on what liberal’s institute as political correctness has done just the opposite of healing, it actually has brought more harm. Treating people with respect and dignity would have healed more of the divisions. But political correctness used as a weapon against conservatives is not only wrong but by necessity builds more hate and division.
Aside from liberalism our nation faces one of the greatest challenges in our history, and that is our splintered culture. How can we fix our culture when our people are so divided and under such strong evil delusions? How do we fix our smashed moral compass?
We must look at the mess we call our culture, the one that Obama bragged about as he apologized to foreign nations as he bowed before their kings and dictators. And tried to convince the people of the United States that America was something it was not. His infamous words were “and that’s not what America is about.” Before he was elected the first time he made the statement that Christians just wanted to poke along clinging to their Bibles and guns, then said to his liberal brainwashed imps “but that’s okay, we will push on without them – leaving them in the dust of history, and not into change.” Change to Obama was a Global Socialist Union.
Well Mr. Obama, you and the three who preceded you, along with corrupted politicians and the Deep State, are to blame for what is our present condition, and the blood of the people including the children is on your hands not the NRA or the guns. You and the liberal policies since the 1960s has finally came to fruition in the Obama administration.
Okay so now that we have placed the blame, and rightfully so, on the liberals and liberal ideology of socialism, we can look at the aftershock of it all, our nation has shattered its once proud culture that moral values, integrity, ethical practices and what was an advancing social unity. A nation that was teaching the three r’s and the fourth r is respect for authority, moral values in our homes, where kids were raised up respecting their parents and honoring them, they were raised understanding social values and decency, modest dress, and that there is a difference between males and females and how our culture has lost respect for our women, our values have been trashed by politics and liberalism.
Our value of life has been trashed through abortion, and senseless violent demonstrations. Our value of respect of others property has become a myth among the millennial liberal activists and “liberal community organizers” or as I prefer to call them conspirators against law and order, against anything decent. Since the 1960s the free thinkers have become more and more radical anti-American, pro liberal socialism as though they are under some sort of evil delusion, following yippy skippy after false heroes and a utopia promised, that can never be realized by a liberal socialist Republic.
One would seldom suspect that liberalism was festering like a big boil, since FDR, but it has, just, at times, it was more open than others, corruptness in our politicians and the actual race dividing “New Deal of Johnson and the Civil Rights Act of the Kennedy’s (Kennedy just didn’t live long enough to sign it), would produce such anti-American Activists such as Al Sharpton, and Jessie Jackson, but it has produced even worse in black and Hispanic racism against the Hinze-57 white man, where it is okay for celebrities and politicians to call for the killing of all white people, and if someone says the sky is blue, you are tagged a racist, where hypocrisy is the normal of liberalism. Obama’s policies over eight years has done more harm to our American culture than any other administration in history.
Folks, just step back for a moment and really take a look at the condition of our culture, then actually think of any bonafide reason that we should be astonished at such horrific evil as mass murders? We must admit that there is a problem with the mental dysfunction of all the killers. Muslim Jihad and Sharia Law, has encouraged, not only Muslim Terrorist, but all terrorists, to rape, kill, and destroy anything or anyone who don’t agree with them.
However, our American culture is not totally lost, and with the help of God we can regain our land and our people from the evil delusion that has perpetrated its evil into our millennial generation. We simply need to expose the evil heroes and replace them with real heroes with morals and integrity. The same with the politicians and celebrities.
Meanwhile, we need to be able to identify and nullify those with, or without, mental dysfunctions before they need to be a top priority of law enforcement on the local, state, and federal level and the subject of the media’s post mortem forensic analysis. Profiling is actually not a dreadful thing, and it does give results, while protecting everyone’s Constitutional Rights. It is a constitutional right for a citizen to live and to possess a firearm or firearms. It is not the authority of law enforcement to seize a firearm without due cause or due process, and there is where we have a problem in defining what is due cause.
Law enforcement should respond to all notifications of concern, in an investigative intent, first point of contact should be to make physical contact with the person making the report of concern, to establish if the concern is actually warranted. The second is to contact the subject or subjects of the concern. It is then the responsibility of the trained officer (and situation evaluation is part of officer training), if the officer determines the threat exists, then he should detain the subject for observation by a trained and equipped person or team, and a background investigation be performed as due process.
It is simple and does not require any more laws than are already exist, except the limit of 72-hours. 72-hours should be the minimum, and 120-hours limit for observation, then panel review to determine the mental instability and recommend no further action or treatment or should be held for further treatment, or placed on a watch list, with the subject’s behavior monitored. If the evaluation result be considered safe, then legal arms be returned, as due cause has been satisfied. If not, then due process needs to be acted on to permanently remove the firearms. Due process can be started in the courts at time of detainment with due cause.
I believe that this is just a jab in the dark opinion, but serious actions need to be taken to remove potential threats to the safety and wellbeing of the community. However, while getting the bad people and their weapons off the streets to nullify any threat, law enforcement must not be able to take away the 2nd amendment rights of any citizen. We need to nullify bad people before they have the opportunity to murder innocent citizens.
End sanctuary cities, end any amnesty for illegal aliens, create laws dealing with gang activities and gang associations, define terrorist groups and put them on a watch list. But it depends on restoring our culture to have any real long-term effect. We must do what we need to do while we fix our nation’s moral compass.
R.S. Helms … Bob’s Opinion.

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