It’s Up to the Republicans to Stop Obama from Replacing Scalia

Guess I have about enough of politics, and this is just dragging out the end… I have never seen such a bunch of stupid money wasters … and stupid people doing stupid things in my life… just fed up with the whole process…

PUMABydesign001's Blog

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Below is Rush Limbaugh’s podcast in its entirety. The podcast begins with Limbaugh sharing his personal memories of Justice Scalia.

At approximately 09:35 of the podcast, Limbaugh calls out Barack Obama’s agenda to appoint “the most committed leftist” on the Supreme Court and “shift the balance of the court” for nearly two decades.

“Will the Republicans stop Obama? Will they TRY to stop Obama?”

Limbaugh also discusses Saturday night’s GOP debate, Donald Trump and the GOP establishment’s pundits such as George Will preaching Trump’s funeral. The establishment still does not get it.

23:16 of the podcast:

The Rush Limbaugh Show


Let me just reiterate. We’re gonna get into this in detail, by the way. I’m gonna share with you some of the comments that are out there. We’ll discuss all the different analysis about Obama and the replacement for Justice Scalia, but it’s really gonna come down to…

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