How Progressive Education and Bad Philosophy Corrupted The People & Undermined The Constitution of The United States

I was reading some of the past posts of Pubiliushuldah a favorite resource for constitution and found this on our education system. Hope you will enjoy it as much as I have. It is a treasure-trove of solid information.
Thanks, R.S. Helms

Publius-Huldah's Blog

By Publius Huldah.

Throughout human history, the prevailing belief system changes from time to time & place to place;  most people unthinkingly absorb whatever happens to be the prevailing dogma of their time & place. Here, I will show the radical differences between the philosophy of our Founding Era and the philosophy of today. And when I have done so, you will understand why our Country is declining and what you can do about it.  In a nutshell, the Enlightenment philosophy of our Founding Era, which was based on Reason and the recognition of the existence of Fixed Principles, was taken away from us; and replaced with the subjective philosophies of Pragmatism & Existentialism, both of which reject Reason and deny the existence of  Objective Truth & Fixed Principles. These are now the prevailing dogma of our Time; and unless we promptly repudiate them, we will fall.

Alexander Hamilton…

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