Communism USA?


prepare to accept

R.S. Helms 7-29-2019 Bob’s Opinion

The fight against Communism is not simply against the leaders of the Socialist Left, the Progressives of the Right, but against the United Nations’ Agenda’s 21 & 2030. Agenda 21 is a non-binding, action plan of the United Nations with regard to sustainable development. It is a product of the Earth Summit (UN Conference on Environment and Development) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. In 1995, George HW Bush signed onto the actual Agenda 21, and as conservative Americans started to ask questions about Agenda 21, the socialists immediately tagged anyone who asked questions about Agenda 21 as a “conspiracy theorists” and under the delusion that the Agenda and the UN were not actually good for the Nation, that is after George HW Bush founded and put in place the North American Fair Trade Agreement, and as we have discovered it was a disaster for our trade deficit along with other trade agreements we made with other countries like Japan, China, and the EU.

When people started to read the whole of the official Agenda 21 document printed and put up on their website, we learned there were some things happening in our bureaucracy, (now called the “Deep State or Shadow Government”), people started to connect dots, of course we were all ridiculed as CONSPIRACY THEORISTS, and silenced a big many who were doing research. Research that has continued and not until Clinton did the research reveal just how bad the UN and Agenda’s 21 & 2030 actually are for our sovereign nation.

In January, when Agenda 2030 officially kicks in the UN will have the power to supersede and usurp authority over our Constitution, where it may wish to keep us in compliance to the Agenda and that would mean no border wall, no immigration laws to stop “migrant” humans from wherever to come to the United States and receive education, healthcare, welfare, vote, and we would have no say. No illegal aliens, they would become migrant peoples. One more reason to stop funding to the UN and to remove the UN from our nation.

Will the scenario happen? Perhaps, Perhaps the biggest indication that it will happen is how radical the socialists and progressives are behaving on social media and in front of the TV cameras. It would seem we have a war going on within the Democratic congress, a war for the media, for everyone to see, one squad of socialists against the other, or so it may seem. Seems that way on the surface, however, that is not what is actually taking place in the DNC and the Socialists in the Swamp.

Once the latter days of the socialist globalization of the United States, started with FDRs UN Charter and slowly working its way through time corrupting politics and creating a massive bureaucracy, (Deep-State/Shadow-Government), and was in a large part operating under the radar as there were several that kept the socialist waiving the patriots flag. But then during the cold war, the new generation came along, the ones who were rallying under a flag of liberalism.

These were the ones who protested against war and the military. They began their opposition toward the end of the Korean war but, not like they did during Viet Nam, the demonizing and degradation of our military servicemen and women and the nation were most vile. The flag of liberalism was at full mast and the delusional, the people without any purposeful direction for their lives became voters, and whoever they made their hero would campaign on liberal extreme policies, promises, and ideologies, unfortunately, most conservative voters didn’t like being attacked over their patriotism, values, and policies. The liberal adaption of the Alinsky rules worked very well for them, and still does, but with the creation of “Acorn” Bill Ayres and the socialists owned the ‘community Activists’ and ‘community organizers’ and their relentless ridicule against conservatives, Christians, until most slipped into the shadows and a good number of Christians adopted liberal and liberation theology to avoid ridicule for their Christian values.

As that cancer grew it took in much more than the Christians, it took over patriots, everyday Mainstreet citizens, of every creed, color, and sex, it took over the schools, families, white-collar middle-class and even the ones trapped in the ghettos, with promises of making life better, of bringing down big business, and gender-specific normal citizens. They took the honor and integrity of legal immigrants who suffered in the waiting lines to legally be here and pursue their own American dream for them and their families. I don’t blame people to hide in the shadows, or joining a march for equality with their countrymen, with their religion, with people of color, which we all are people of color, except for a true Albino no color except we all bleed red.

We live in a nation that is a melting pot for the world, people looking for freedom, a job and their own slice of the American dream. We live in a nation founded on Judeo-Christian values, principles, and faith. The United States is a sovereign constitutional Republic with a government-run as a democracy BY the People, FOR the People. A Nation governed by a Constitution not politicians or political parties, not a President, not a Dictator and the only King we have is Jesus Christ – Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Every knee, on earth, and heaven will bow before Him and the choir will sing HOLY, HOLY, HOLY is the King.

The United States is the greatest nation in the history of the world, we are a sovereign nation with our own laws, and we do have an obligation to vet and accept immigrants, and we have laws that manage how many and from where they come so that we stay a sovereign nation. So, now the left once again will call me a racist, bigot and all the rest and any new ones they can invent to be used by their puppet brainwashed zombies who ridicule and bully conservatives, not including the paid mobs who show up at rallies, demonstrations and college campuses to bully conservatives and attempt to intimidate the American citizen patriots and biblical Christians into silence. So far, it has worked out somewhat successful for them in their war against our Nation and our Holy God. Now as I indicated I will spend some time with the Agendas 21 & 2030.

As I mentioned, socialism has had a long growing tenure since the forming of the United Nations, slowly spreading out like a drop of molasses on the head of a pin. Yes, it has taken over many nations of the world and with the western world slowly being swallowed up with socialism lite.

What it boils down to is the one-world governance, all being done in the name of peace, and sustainable development as we drag the most impoverished dictatorships, and poor communist, and yes, we have Africa who got rid of the Apartheid took over governments of the continent but they shut out the whites in Government prematurely before they could replace leadership and upper echelon. The outcome? They slipped into a hole and socialism set in to occupy the void, guess who was waiting? The warlords, the bad fellows of Islam. The Muslim Caliphate has made great gains throughout Africa, with the near takeover of Egypt by the Muslim Brotherhood, It is still struggling because it is a Muslim Nation, but trying to at least be a nation although mostly socialist. Most of the continent of Europe is socialist and has allowed the borderless countries to be overrun by the Caliphate So it is not just the socialist global union of the United Nations, but a Muslim Caliphate.

One might ask how socialism has become a center stage with most politicians of all persuasions have taken on socialism and now they are showing up in congress even in past presidents, but not until Obama did it get out of hand and out in the open as it is now. But we ask? How did people vote them into office? Answer: We allowed it to happen, we allowed socialism in at the local polling booth, and before. It started with a tried and tested communist infiltration method, the method is found in Alice Bailey’s 10-point strategy, although she was a Satanist, Alice and her husband founded Lucis Trust in the early 20s and Alice used the trust to publish her books and established World Good Well at the UN and World Network of Servers. But of course, her 10-point strategy was inspirational to the United Nations. Saul Alinsky certainly was impressed.

Saul Alinsky the “Father of Community Organizing” and eight of his “How to Create a Socialist State.” And Obama’s hero, Saul a communist, had a mind-blowing success and fame in organizing communities during the Great Depression, but in some of his “how-to” lists for radical socialists he is best known for “Rules for Radicals” and the aforementioned “How to Create a Socialist State”. The Un took Bailey’s 10-point Strategy with some of Alinsky’ s ideologies and added some of their own and added some of the covert operations from the Cold War and put them into the mechanics of the Agenda 21 & 2030.

Some of the strategies that have been being used simultaneously in most cases. For example, remove God or anything to do with God from our public education as a starting point which started the removal of God from all public facilities, simultaneously removal or the covert evil destruction of moral values by simple ridicule from various groups, say the more confrontational amoral groups such as the homosexuals, Atheists, beatniks of the “beat generation” of the 50s and early 60s which gave way to the Hippies, rockers, hard rock, and drug culture. All of these subcultures railed against the conservative Christian mocking and ridiculing faith and especially Christianity.

So, establishing nonconformist – free-spirited – socialism (lite) and anti-family trend that captured the hearts of the children and young people of our land. Of course, it affected our colleges and universities in time with what we simply called liberals, while of course the Southern Democrats and the Jim Crow laws of the South, forcing the Democratic administration of John Kennedy and his brother Robert Kennedy to yield to the conservative preacher Dr. Martin Luther King’s civil rights movement in the South, to force integration largely in the Southern public education system and in the housing and equal opportunity across the nation. If you should notice that it has been liberalism of the Democrat Party that claimed the victory over segregation or the Southern Jim Crow laws, when it was Democrats fighting against the conservative Republicans who wanted to put a stop to it all way before Kennedy moved troops to Alabama to force George Wallace to put equality into the school system, the workforce, and in the public square. Even though the biggest racist of the day was Johnston who was the one who took credit for the “Civil Rights Act” by simply putting his name on it and signed it as President. Why? legacy and votes.

Now it seems some of our black Americans are waking up to decades of false promises, lies and the delusion that the Democrats are their salvation and offering social justice, and liberation theology to go along with the strong Christian faith they have, or rather once had.

However, because of liberalism in the Christian church, it started to move ridicule of God and American values to ridicule of the Bible and orthodox Christians, who believe the Bible to be inerrant – infallible – and is God’s revelation (exposure of himself and who He is). and is meant to the teaching of born again (fundamental New Testament), Christians who regardless of lateral teaching from Christian Sunday school teachers, Bible studies, and Seminary Professors, we believe the Holy Spirit is the ultimate interpreter and teacher of Scripture. I refuse to allow myself to be intimidated by a bunch of delusional socialist operatives who write the scripts for the “community Organizers” like the UN hopeful Barrack Obama.

Education and control of our children, destroy the national Christian family structure, free sex, and abortion, make divorce easy and legal, free people from the concept of married for life. Make Homosexuality alternative lifestyle, debase art – make it run mad, use media to promote and change the mindset, create an interfaith movement. Get governments to make these laws and get the church to endorse these changes. Notice how well Baily’s stuff has been implemented into our nation right on cue.

Some of the Alinsky socialists’ activities coincide nicely with what Agenda 21 & 2030 are doing and have been doing since 1992? Look at our nation today, decades of American blindness and denial has been Satan’s weapon against the citizens, slowly intimidating, deceiving and relentless ridicule against God and country pushing conservatives into a “guilt” mindset, so as Alinsky would advise radical socialist “community organizers”, from the infamous ACORN, ACLU, NAACP, CAIR, LGBTQ, BLM, and other similar groups. Notice how all the radical protesters are extremely loud with their mouths gaping open and the jaw, the jaw is open to the point of dislocation as they scream vulgarities, hate speech and anti-American trash-talk.

With the left, the ideology of being louder, more obnoxiously hateful, and don’t stop or allow any response, is being a useful idiot for the purpose of enhancing the state of deep division of our diverse citizens on every front. That is a goal of the socialists and they don’t care how they achieve the goal, even if it means looking like a total hysterical clown. Which is what our elected leaders have been reduced to, especially on the left.
We know how much covert organizational expansion took place from the time of FDR’s UN Charter was signed by the 51 charter member nations just shortly after his death. Now, we have 293 plus observer nations, and a global socialist monster well on the path to becoming a one-world order or one-world government, of global citizens under the authority of international law, two classes of citizens elite, and commons.

First and foremost, you must read, in its entirety, Agenda 21 it is long, and you may prefer to read appropriate sections as you endeavor in the task to understand more of why we are in the mess that we are in. Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, careful examination of both documents will reveal much, especially as each of the goals are implemented and the various UN organizations and how the scheme of implementation occurs at the local level, the towns occur at the local level, the towns through the planning boards as they sign on to the UN sustainable development and adapt their plans.

With each village, county, state that signs on and with the global socialist representatives we send to Washington to represent us. It has taken some time, but we now stand at only an election or two and we will no longer be the sovereign constitutional United States of America the greatest nation in history and our downfall will be imminent.

Thanks for taking the time, perhaps, you can start your information journey?
R.S. Helms…