What has just happened?


Shadow Government 0001

Opinion by: R.S. Helms 1-23-2018

Folks, something just happened in our government that we cannot let the Mainstream Media down-play, redefine, or fail to simply report the truth.  It seems that a supposed secrete memo concerning FISA and the intelligence agencies including the FBI, showing just how far out of control our government is out of control, especially the liberal Democratic pundits who have overdosed on the Soros – Obama – Clinton crime family’s money.

Well, with this Memo, and Report the tip of the corruption in our government is just the beginning, the beginning or the tip of the iceberg providing our few honest politicians in congress don’t allow it to be trivialized and make sure the public get an unredacted full blown disclosure.  But it will have to take every Republican, which we will never get because some of the RINO leadership are most likely involved.

Nonetheless, at this point it appears to be a serious misuse of power against the citizens of the nation, and a presidential candidate President Trump.  However, from comments by some in Congress, this certainly involves the Obama Administration, his DOJ, FBI, IRS, NSA, and the collaboration of several other federal agencies, The DNC, not to mention the voter fraud and voter violation that have long been uncovered.

It is my Opinion, that we may never know who all is involve, and how much of the rotten Deep State will be exposed other than those in the intelligence agencies and perhaps the Homeland Security, DOJ, court judges, congress and key players in the DNC who have already been exposed by the Clinton Crime Family.  Clintons and Obama will avoid spending their own money if at all possible, but Soros don’t mind doing the spending, and another reason for the American people to dig in our heels on this and do the demanding, not congress leading us away from the truth as they normally do.

We the people deserve to know what has been going on in Washington, and we need speedy accountability for the gross malfeasance of public office and trust.  I have been contacting congress about the demand to release the documents (unredacted), as cold and hard as they may be, We the People have a right to see and read them, and we need to expect swift action and indictments from Obama right down to the grunt who knew but didn’t question his boss.  Congress needs to allow President Trump to fire any of the deep state that he finds reason to boot.  And the DOJ needs to get his hackles up, put on his big-boy pants and go after the whole of the criminal no matter who is connected.  Anything less would be a dereliction of duty to his office and his oath.  He should be dismissed for the offense and charged with a crime.

Members of congress who continue to oppose the release of the documents to the public, need to face impeachment for conspiring to cover-up illegal actions against the citizens of the nation.  Conspirators, there is no lack of them, in the deep state, congress, holdover appointees, and the infamous media who has abused their first amendment protection, (Way over the line).

An immediate investigation by an outside prosecutor, the investigation should investigate every agency and cabinet department for corruption, (Any corruption), with the right investigation it could link the corruption to cover the whole of the Deep State. It is my opinion that they would have to remove Obama upgrades making it a country club for Muslim Terrorists and put in prison cells to house just the upper echelon of the slime-sucking bottom feeders of the deep state.

The deep state, and the liberal – global socialists since George HW Bush, who helped Bill Clinton with the Clinton Foundation after Clinton left office.  Then we have nearly the whole of the Democratic Congress, and all the RINO republicans.  Once we demand formal prosecution for their corruption and treasonous acts and reset the government we may be able to shrink the size and scope of the bureaucracy.  After all, that is the place that the Democrats and RINOs built and gave power to, then protect them if there were hiccups and impending firings.

No one should be just fired, if a person was complicit in any wrong doing then arrested and charged, if the evidence holds true.  They should be brought to justice and jailed.  No more above the law slaps on the wrist.  They really need to be put in stocks on the lawn of the capital, for two or three days before they are transported to the lock-up.  Part of the sentence would be seizure of all assets, bumped from their retirement, and let them live like the average American for the rest of their lives.

Well I pray for them to be made an example, so others won’t expect to be above the law.  And in the future any Attorney General who don’t goo after corruption should be fired, not resign, fired.  I do believe what has been disclosed thus far, is the infamous “tip of the iceberg” and should be understood as such.

This story is critical and warrants our attention and participation to hold our congress and DOJ accountable to do their job.  We can continue to contact our politicians as frequently as possible and let them know if they don’t want to bring these corrupt bottom feeders to accountability.  Let them know just how much your vote counts.  Time for the grass roots citizen to be involved.

R.S. Helms

(re-writes or continuations will be forth coming).

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